Dogs have always been part of our lives and in 1991 we decided to take
the Manchester Terrier “Corduroy’s Feary Attraction” in our family next to our two Beaucerons (French Shepherds). After Feary, soon followed two more Manchesters, Corduroy’s Pearly and Victory. Most of our dogs received many national and international successes.
The highlights:
Liam v.d. Posthoornwieke

Liam v.d. Posthoornwieke
• Reserve Best in Show, British Manchester Terrier Championship Show 2004.
• Best in Show, British Manchester Terrier Club Open Show 2006, England.
Musketeer v.d.Posthoornwieke (Murdock)

Murdock | Musketier v.d. Posthoornwieke
• World champion 2006 Poznan, Poland.
• Best in Show, British Manchester Terrier Club Open Show 2007, England.
• Reserve Best Dog Crufts 2008, England.
Nathan v.d.Posthoornwieke

Nathan v.d. Posthoornwieke
• Junior World Champion 2010 Herning, Denmark.
I Am Ike v.d. Posthoornwieke (Ike)

IKE | I Am Ike v.d. Posthoornwieke
• Best of breed at Crufts’17
• Reserve Dog at Crufts’16
Successes are good memories, but most important for us is the enjoyment we experience every day with the companion of the dogs. Unfortunately, Murdock his life was too short by accident. To commemorate Murdock, we let create a brons sculpture of him and made a trophy of it, named the “Murdock Award” . Awarded at the Clubmatch of the MTCN (Manchester Terrier Club Netherlands) to the Best of Breed (BOB).